My Beautiful Babies!

My Beautiful Babies!
Traejan & Alana

Monday, July 21, 2014

9 lbs.+ Frequently Asked Questions

Having a 9 lbs. 6 oz. baby sparks a couple questions- so I’ve made a special FAQ post J

How big was your other child?

Traejan was 8lbs. 11 oz. and he was born 6 days early! At that weight, he was technically LGA (large for gestational age) too but I don’t remember them having to check his blood sugars in the hospital like they did Alana’s.

How big were you and your husband?

I was 9lbs even when I was born and we think Tyson was about the same or maybe a little less so it must be in the genes!

Was she overdue?

Only by a day.

Any complications delivering?

I had a small 2nd degree tear but other than that I would say it was a textbook delivery.

Did you have gestational diabetes or any other complications while you were pregnant?

No, my blood sugar was great when they tested me at 20 weeks and so was Alana’s every time they checked her in the hospital. My blood pressures were fabulous usually 115/60 give or take, my feet and ankles never got swollen and I don’t even have stretch marks to report. My iron was a little low but that would most likely have the opposite effect on her birth weight. And other than some insomnia and the expected discomfort that comes with pregnancy, I felt great the whole time.  I walked a lot and tried to eat healthy (I think there is always room for improvement for me on the eating healthy part-serious sugar and sushi addiction!) I had a very healthy pregnancy overall.

**Sidenote** Because she is was so big I do have an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes when I’m older  but according to my doctor that is not an “absolute”. Plus type 2 diabetes is the preventable type of diabetes so as long as I exercise and eat healthy it won’t be an issue.

Even though we joke about Alana being able to live off of the fat stores in her cheeks we think she is pretty amazing and perfect.  We love her and we are so grateful she has come to join our family. She makes our hearts full and brings our family so much happiness. 


1 comment:

kara said...

The last picture KILLS ME!!! HA HA love those cute chunky cheeks. She is gorgeous just like you Necia.